Why become a member of the NSE Glasgow branch

Interact with the industry’s and the profession’s best minds

Becoming a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Glasgow exposes you to the industry’s recognised professional and technical experts in diverse fields. 

Irrespective of where you are in your career development, you can join us at any stage. Corporate membership of the NSE will add value and recognition to your professional achievements. 

There is more to just being a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Glasgow

From building technical knowledge through collaboration with industry leaders and and other members, to webinars and conferences with exclusive access, the benefits of membership can not be overemphasized. 

Professional Developement

Becoming a corporate member boost your career and professional development.

Enhanced Professional Status

Enhance your professional status with MNSE, Engr and Fellowship.

Networking Opportunity

Grow your professional network with like minded professional at our industry-leading conferences and events.

Public Outreach

Stay up to date with current development in the industry. Our network is a conglomerate of various discipline as such serves as a clearing house.